Mindset & Moderation Coach

Move beyond the frustration of diet & exercise plans that makes you feel like a failure.

I help moms who struggle with constantly starting a new diet on Monday, feel confident in their bodies without restricting the foods that they love.


Mindset & Moderation Coach

Move beyond the frustration of diet & exercise plans that makes you feel like a failure.

I help moms who struggle with constantly starting a new diet on Monday, feel confident in their bodies without restricting the foods that they love.

Let's be honest

You really want to feel confident in your body but it’s been an ongoing struggle because…


You’ve tried every diet and exercise plan out there. The restriction causes you to ”fall off track” and you gain back whatever weight you lost, which makes you feel hopeless.


Hiding in sweatpants and oversized t-shirts or hoodies has been your go-to because you hate the way you look in clothes.


Cakes, cookies, and treats are not allowed in your house because you are terrified that you will gain more weight.


The cycle of binging on the weekends and starting over on Mondays has become your new norm, which leaves you full of guilt and shame.

Mindset & Moderation Coach, Speaker, Trainer

Hi, I'm Evelyn LeVasseur

I know what it feels like to be uncomfortable in your own body. I lived most of my life wishing I could be thinner because I really believed I’d feel happier and more confident once I finally lost weight.

I felt guilt and shame when I wasn’t eating “good”.

I hid in sweatpants and oversized tops. I’d deprive myself all week so I could go “all-out” on the weekends.

I wasn’t the wife and mother I wanted to be.

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You do so much for others, it's time to take care of you.

Find Food Freedom

No rules, no strict plans, no restrictions. No following someone else’s food rules. You will learn to eat your favorite foods in a way that keeps your body healthy.

Feel Confident In Your Body

You’re not meant to look like anyone else. Stop living in comparison. Build confidence and comfort in your body.

Reconnect With Your Intuition

Dieting has disconnected you from the very person who knows you best, you. Trust that your body will tell you what it wants and needs.

Work with me

Let The Transformation Begin

1:1 coaching experience

Intuitively Me


A 12 week container that shifts your mindset, builds an intuitive relationship with your overall wellness, establishes food freedom, and propels you toward your healthiest self.

Self-Paced program

Mama Ditch The Diet


A self-paced video course that addresses mindset shifts, connecting with your intuition, and incorporating the 5 Principles Of Health (sleep, stress, water, nutrition, exercise) to propel you toward your goals.


Fitness Redefined


A 12 week intimate group transformation program that shifts your mindset, establishes healthy relationships with food, propels you toward your goals, and drives your focus to wellness, intuition, and connection with a community of women just like you.

"I am finally able to have a scoop of ice cream and not feel guilty."

It’s nice to be able to have a choice of treats, in small amounts, and still feel satisfied by them. I didn’t realize how much of a hold food guilt and shame had on me.


Evelynfit.com 2023, All right reserved.